
A new way to Nub!!!

Wow…. I actually figured this out my self. I didn’t try to figure it out but like I just accidently did it.

Ok, to nub go to the cove and go to the far bottom right hand corner ( next to the chatbar)

then click the little space between the chatbar and the map.

You will walk to the other side then stop at the other end of the chatbar!!!

You can also do it at other places like the town and other places

Here is a pic:



P.S. I added a new I spy click here to see it. (new one is at the bottom of the I spy page)

2 Responses to “A new way to Nub!!!”

  1. October 6, 2008 at 12:25 am

    thank you for using our new pin notifier and our free items notifier

    -CP Lodge Admin

    SNash1338: no prob

  2. 2 bubba1960
    October 6, 2008 at 5:22 am


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